I am not teaching, but I enjoyed learning and researching about online communication tools and how to effectively integrate them into the classroom. Providing access to these tools gives students the opportunity to experience learning in multiple ways. It also encourages a greater number of students to participate, particularly those who often do not contribute in traditional classroom discussions for instance. Although I love the idea of connecting students around the world through online communication tools, I discovered backchannels from my research and I decided to further investigate this tool.
According to the BusinessDictionary.com, Backchannles are “’Grapevine’ or informal communication that travels parallel to (and sometimes ahead of) official channels in an organization or society” (http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/back-channel-communication.html). In the classroom, this is a “Web 2.0” tool which the students can relate to from their personal use of instant messaging and chatting.
The benefits if using backchannels in the classroom include enhanced student engagement, community building, collaboration, immediate feedback and interaction, peer and instructor learning support, and ultimately profound learning experiences through online discussions. Examples of backchannels include simply replacing tradition off-line discussion opportunities with backchannels such as, discussing a reading assignment or a video documentary. An enhanced application is adding backchannels to fishbowl discussions (http://learningandlaptops.blogspot.com/2006/10/fishbowl-101.html). This is where the instructor divides students into an inner and outer circle. The inner circle carries on a tradition discussion while the outer circle communicates in a backchannel. They comment on the inner circle participants’ discussion and then expand the conversation through their own dialogue online.
I will prepare the students for backchanneling by first determining which resource to use in the classroom. I need to assess the pros and cons giving consideration to the options available with each program such as cost, ease of access, security, and moderating capabilities. Some examples of backchannel resources include skype.com, chatmker.net, chatzy.com, covertitlive.com, and backnoise.com (http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=330).
The challenges associated with using backchannels include that the multi-tasking skills of the instructor must be up to the task. The teacher will be continuing traditional classroom monitoring, approving the posts, and facilitating the discussion so it is productive and relevant. Adding a second classroom to the discussion allows two teachers to divide these responsibilities without exponentially increasing them per se. Another concern is that ‘outsiders’ may enter the discussion. For safety, I will limit the distribution of the url and use a service provider that embeds the url onto the district’s network, minimizing the potential for conversation intruders. Monitoring the discussion and posts will also help alleviate that issue.
Another key concern with using backchannels is students impersonating other students or using inappropriate user names. I will prepare the students before implementing this tool by increasing their technology citizenship awareness. I will teach or re-state the importance of respecting each other when going online. This issue provides a relevant opportunity to present the district’s Acceptable User Policy (AUP) to the students. This demonstrates ISTE NETS*T Standard 4, “Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility” (International Society for Technology in Education’s National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers and Performance Indicators.)
I gain satisfaction each week in this course that I am getting the necessary tools to successfully integrate technology into the classroom when I begin teaching. I look forward to having content background so I am able to apply technology in the classroom which will enhance instruction and maximize student learning.
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